
Light switches won't work.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Switches work just fine. Light toggles are also detected but nothing happens when I click them.

Hi @mutlucan96 and thanks for opening this issue!. Could you provide some extra info?

  • Which gnome version are you using (can be checked with gnome-shell --version?
  • Which version of this extension are you using (run gnome-extensions info hass-gshell@geoph9-on-github)?
  • OS?

Sure! Here it is:

mutlu@mutlu-ubuntu:~$ gnome-shell --version
GNOME Shell 40.5
mutlu@mutlu-ubuntu:~$ gnome-extensions info hass-gshell@geoph9-on-github
  Name: Home Assistant Extension
  Description: A simple gnome shell extension for Home Assistant. Check the README on github for additional help!

Main points:
- You need to provide the url of your hass, a long live access token obtained from your profile page (on your hass web instance) and the entity ids of the entities you want to have as togglable.
- In order to add some local temperature/humidity sensor, you may also provide a temperature and/or a humidity entity id (which should match the corresponding ids of your hass instance).
  Path: /home/mutlu/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/hass-gshell@geoph9-on-github
  Version: 5
  State: ENABLED

Thanks! I may have already fixed this bug but forgot to upload the change on Could you run the following commands to install from github and see if it works?

# Delete the previous extension directory
rm -rf "$HOME"/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/hass-gshell@geoph9-on-github
# Download build script and give execution rights
wget && chmod +x
# Run build
# Delete build script
rm ./

The build script simply downloads the needed files for this extension and installs them to the correct directory.

It works with that script now. Thanks!

I uploaded the new version on e.g.o. Thanks for bringing up this issue!