
Failed to install

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I tried to install the tree-lib and the treeapp on my Linux CentOS7 server.
However, during the installation some things went wrong so I had to make some changes manually. Maybe you can modify your installation / setup scripts to make the installation easier and let it finish without errors.

% cd /zope/tree-app
% yarn add @geops/tree-lib
% cd /zope/tree-app/node_modules/@geops/tree-lib/data

% yarn run data:transform

ERROR:  could not open file "/data/projections.json" for writing: Permission denied

    % chmod 666 /zope/tree-app/node_modules/@geops/tree-lib/data/*.json

....some more errros occured which made some manual changes necessary:

    % mkdir /zope/tree-app/node_modules/@geops/tree-lib/data/spatial/export       
    % vi data/spatial/
    Uncomment the last 2 lines:
        #_import "Please download Lucerne dataset manually to data/spatial/NAWALGES_V1_PY/" "NAWALGES_V1_PY"
        #_import "Please download modified Lucerne dataset manually to data/spatial/NAWALGES_V1_PY_MOD/" "NAWALGES_V1_PY_MOD"    

% cd /zope/tree-app/node_modules/@geops/tree-lib

% yarn run data:start
error Command "prettier" not found.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

% yarn run data:spatial:export
% yarn run data:spatial:tile
% yarn run data:spatial:fonts

    yarn run v1.19.1
    $ ./data/spatial/
    error Command "generate-mapbox-gl-fonts" not found.
    info Visit for documentation about this command.
    cp: cannot stat ‘_output/Roboto Regular’: No such file or directory
    rm: cannot remove ‘_output’: No such file or directory
    error Command failed with exit code 1.
    info Visit for documentation about this command.

Best regards

Hi Nico

Currently the documentation is a bit misleading, sorry for that. If you only want to runt the data transformation script, it is not necessary to add @geops/tree-lib using yarn add .... You just need to clone this repository somwhere on your machine. Can you please try to run yarn install inside the tree-lib directory and afterwards run the yarn run data:... scripts again?

We will update the documentation after testing the data transformation on a new Linux machine. Thanks for testing!

I tried the following but the 4rd step (yarn run data:spatial:tile) failed - see below:

% git clone
% cd tree-lib
% yarn add prettier --dev --exact
% chmod 666 data/*.json
% vi data/spatial/
-> Uncomment these 2 lines:
#_import "Please download Lucerne dataset manually to data/spatial/NAWALGES_V1_PY/" "NAWALGES_V1_PY"
#_import "Please download modified Lucerne dataset manually to data/spatial/NAWALGES_V1_PY_MOD/" "NAWALGES_V1_PY_MOD"

% yarn run data:start
[all ok - Done in 28.42s.]

% mkdir data/spatial/export
% yarn run data:spatial:export
[all ok - Done in 161.58s.]

% yarn run data:spatial:tile
[all ok - Done in 305.79s.]

% yarn run data:spatial:fonts

-> Error:
yarn run v1.19.1
$ ./data/spatial/
error Command "generate-mapbox-gl-fonts" not found.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
cp: cannot stat ‘_output/Roboto Regular’: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove ‘_output’: No such file or directory
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

Hi Nico

Finally we have updated the documentation and fixed some minor hiccups. You can find the new documentation here:

Thanks for your patience and nice holidays! We're looking forwad to your feedback.