
Command upgrade icon

Closed this issue ยท 15 comments

Could someone please add the icon for the Command upgrade to the font? I have uploaded a photo of the icon on the physical card. I'm not sure how to help with the next step. Thanks!
Command icon

Iโ€™ll do it this weekend. Anything else?

Thank you! This icon is the only one missing that I know of.

There is also the targeting-scope like glyph on the huge ship cards where the ships have the two initiative numbers.

Here's a picture of the icon that J1mBob mentioned. I'm sorry I don't have a better quality copy.

and here is the little target one..

xwing-miniatures SLK
Attached is the font with all the glyphs from the open issues. I'd appreciate any feedback.. especially which score/points version looks better.

Wonderful! Thanks for putting in the time on this.

Regarding the victory points icons, I prefer the actual shape to the simplified version, but I haven't tried looking at it in a smaller font yet.

I find it's definitely worth looking at small versions either printed or on screen. Download and try and use the glyphs in a realistic setting. I think we should probably just stay with one design and I am fine with either. I was thinking app/website designers could test it out in their products and see what works better and report back. Some icons have already been simplified slightly so I thought I'd offer up 2 variants.

Here are all the shapes added to the font above. ( look for the dark blue header above the glyph )

I like having the two options for the victory point icon because the simplified version looks better in small font but the original version looks really nice when it's large, but I understand that having two of the same icon would break with precedent. I linked to and asked which version people prefer.

I posted an image on the victory counter issue (#100) of an environment card that uses the icon. It looks like it uses the more complex version but it doesn't have the circle around it.

Thanks for asking on reddit. If you guys know the various app developers or squad builder websites Iโ€™m open to make just about it anything that requested. I do like the option for both high res and low res icon versions. ( similar to the strain... I think the solid shape will look better in small fonts and the one with knockouts )
Report back the voting or what
Is the thought here?

As you probably saw, people on Reddit upvoted but didn't comment. I should have provided some method for anonymous voting.
I believe u/raithosu does YASB, u/FixingKitty does Launch Bay Next, and u/antigrapist does Meta-Wing and List Fortress. I don't know them personally.

I have a suggestion for additional glyphs - the symbols associated with the Wing Leader (triangles) and Wingmates (circles). I've added a screen shot from the Epic Battles news article which shows a wing card. Resolution is not the best, but hope it identifies the symbols requested.

This was added to the last release. I think it can be closed.