
Include PileUp exploits into SPF before may 2014 ?

nazimboudeffa opened this issue · 4 comments

Accepted by the 35th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. San Jose, CA. May, 2014.

I am try. I've been buried under my book writing and I tried to hire someone to help me code SPF but he didn't come through. I will make adding new features for SPF a priority now. So I'll see what I can do.

Yes it's not easy to find people for developping free softwares but I don't understand why people in this site fork some git wthout any feedback ? somehow it must be a way to motivate contributors in that way
nevertheless this night i got some time and concentration
i was taking a look at the code of the backdoored apk and i am thinking about making some gists first or somthing to decompose the problem of permissions making that cleaver
in a next step i think to focus on new exploits integration process/machinery as IN THIS ISSUE

Its a feature on my list to let users choose what permissions they want to add based on what they want to have their backdoored app do. As it is now its an all or nothing which while simpler for me to code is not an ideal solution at all. Also on my list is adding more exploits as well as evil apps and any exploits for other platforms. I certainly welcome any contributions you would like to make. Just finishing up my book edits so I'll now have much more time to work on SPF but community contributions would be most helpful. Thank you for your interest.

You welcome, as for now my interest is only for Analaysing SPF and understanding architecture features and not so much more until that standing to read more about smartphones cybersecurity and new exploits even pentesting in general assuming that u are the only one i am followinf its work on those security problemes because you are simplifying the general problem of pentesting