
Abstract container class

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Component.js framework wrapper Easily create namespaces, classes and components.


  • Create common component and extend one

component('menubar', function() { return { childs: [], childEl: '

  • ', parentEl: '#myDiv', el: '
      ', add: function(child) { this.childs.push(child); }, render: function() { var childs=[]; this.childs.map(function(v) { childs.push( $(this.el).text(this.childs[v]) ); }); $(this.parentEl).append($(this.el).html(childs.join(''))); } }; });

      component('menubarDiv', function() { return $.extend(component('menubar'), { childEl: '

      ', parentEl: '
      ' }); });


      • Create subclass components

      scene = function(id, fn) { return component('scene.'+id, fn); };

      scene('auth', function() { return { }; });

      • Create class using component.js

      cls = function(id, fn) { return component('class.'+id, fn); }

      cls('Animal', function() { return function() { this.canWalk = function() { return console.log('Walk'); }; }; });

      cls('Cat', function() { return function() { var parent = cls('Animal'); this.canMeow = function() { parent.canWalk(); return console.log('Meow'); }; return $.extend(this, parent); }; });

      var cat = new (cls('Cat')); cat.canMeow(); cat.canWalk();