
Possible to add Lanczos, Spline36, and Spline64 to "interpol"?

BlohoJo opened this issue · 3 comments

Current options are limited to none, linear, bilinear, and bicubic.

I doubt that the interpolation strategy is really the limiting factor, but in principle it should be possible to do. I don't have time to do it.

@georgmartius when you say it isn't the limiting factor, what exactly do you mean?

I have found that the vidstabtransform filter introduces visible artefacts (I would describe it as aliasing). Choosing the bicubic interpolation improves it, but it is still noticeable compared to the original. Hence I suspect that a better interpolation algorithm would further reduce the quality loss.

Are there other potential culprits?

Sure, improving the interpolation can reduce the artifacts. My videos were always very shaky, so there was more motion blur etc. than aliasing. (I meant compensating rolling shutter and lens distortions will improve quality more)