
Simulation Error, extdata found 1 unfulfilled imports

Closed this issue · 10 comments

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Name: Zifan WANG
Institution: Washington University in St. Louis

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When I update the GCHP from version 14.1.0 to 14.3.0, I met the following issue while running the simulation.
However, when I try to comment the correponding line or changing the error message and recompile it to find more detailed information. It still shows the same information. I recompile the program by deleting the build file and recompile it by following the GCHP quick start guide. May I ask which module I am missing and is this the correct way to recompile the whole project? Thanks in advance for your help.

Please provide as much detail as possible. Always include the GEOS-Chem version number and any relevant configuration and log files.

Hi @beiduqiu, there is an additional log file in GCHP called allPEs.log that contains MAPL logging information, including ExtData error messages. The error you are encountering is because one of the import files is not found, perhaps because it is new in 14.3 and you have not downloaded the data. Check the allPEs.log file to see if there is a message about which import is missing.

For more information about MAPL logging, GCHP log files, and debugging, see the following resources:

@lizziel: should we transfer this issue to the GCHP repo?

@yantosca, yes I'll do that. I didn't notice it wasn't under the GCHP repo issues.

Hi, thanks for your response. This picture shows the content in allPEs.log. I don't see any error message in it. Is this the correct file?

It looks like you need to enable more ExtData prints to see any information about the issue. See the GCHP ReadTheDocs page on debugging for how to do that (see link in my previous comment).

Thanks for your help. After I make the modification, it shows the following error.
Is this because I am missing some files in GCHP or it is the environmental issue.?

RADLWG is a meteorology field that we recently retired from use in GCHP. When you updated to 14.3 did you create a new run directory from the code? I wonder if you are using an older version run directory that specifies RADLWG in config file ExtData.rc.

I have already recreate the run directory and I search for RADWLG in the ExtData.rc file and it shows no match result. So I think there should be other issue. Hope you can help me.

Hi @beiduqiu, try searching for string RADWLG in both your source code and run directory. You can do this using grep, e.g.
grep -r "RADWLG" *.

Hi @beiduqiu, could you follow up on what the resolution was to this issue?