
HEMCO standalone run directory is not created with a "Restarts/" folder

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Name: Bob Yantosca
Institution: Harvard + GCST

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When you create an out-of-the-box HEMCO standalone run directory, there is no Restarts/ folder:

$ ls
build/                          HEMCO_Diagn.rc        HEMCO_sa_Spec.rc   README
CodeDir@                        HEMCO.log             HEMCO_sa_Time.rc   rundir.version
HEMCO_Config.rc                 HEMCO_sa_Config.rc    hemco_standalone**
HEMCO_Config.rc.gmao_metfields  HEMCO_sa_Grid.4x5.rc  OutputDir/

This causes HEMCO standalone simulations to die with an error at the end of the run:


In Nccr_Wr, cannot create:  Restarts/


Code stopped from DO_ERR_OUT (in module NcdfUtil/m_do_err_out.F90) 

This is an error that was encountered in one of the netCDF I/O modules,
which indicates an error in writing to or reading from a netCDF file!


Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
STOP 999

The simple fix will be to add a directory creation command in the HEMCO/run/ script.

Ooops I might have been on an older branch.