
GeoNode 3.2.1 release

Closed this issue · 20 comments

@ElenaGallo please execute the usual complete test suite.

@giohappy can you put more info on the instance to test?

I want to play with it myself...

@simboss This version doesn't bring any relevant feature. The most important fixes are:

  • fixed a regression that made lose the permissions set at upload time - 7557
  • added missing sld_version to GetLegendGrphics request for remote services - 7580
  • fix to the thumbnail widget inside the metadatawizrd - 7638
  • fix a corner case that made the legends show twice - 7587
  • improved upload time with a fix to the listing of Geoserver stores - 7618
  • default tile size (which is going to be fixed right away) - 7623

You can view the full list of commits here: GeoNode/geonode@3.2.0...3.2.x

Sorry, I was not clear.
Are targeting master.demo? Something else?

Both instances (master and stable) are the same at the moment, by the way I would go for, in case we make the switch next days (I don't think it will happen though).

@giohappy here the spreadsheet with the tests done. Some failed on the Layers, Maps, Remote Service, Geostory and MapStore sheets

@ElenaGallo please test again LAYERS.17. The shapefile must have exactly the same name as the layer to be replaced.

@giohappy the LAYERS.17 test, by entering the same name, passes

@ElenaGallo please give the failed tests a new try on

@ElenaGallo I'm going to set MAPSTORE.25 as passed since the test is not about vieweing the widgets inside the embedded map. It's never been supported. I've create an issue as an enhancment.

MAPS.21 works fine with English language. The issue is not the setting of the thumbnail but an error inside the widget itself with the Italian translation. What do you expect it to set if it's blank @ElenaGallo? :)
I will mark the test as passed. I've opened an issue for the problem GeoNode#7700

MAPSTORE.36: widgets are not supported for layers, so this test must be removed

@ElenaGallo as far as I can see the only real issue is GeoNode/geonode-mapstore-client#274
All the rest is fine, right?

@ElenaGallo what are you trying to do with GEOSTORY.10? Embedded code is meant to be used inside an HTML page. Did you create a page to test it? Can you share the code?

@giohappy yes, I create this page

@ElenaGallo it was a configuration to be fixed on the stable demo. It's working now.
Please set the test to passed if you can confirm it.

@giohappy yes, now the test has passed

@ElenaGallo please check LAYERS.39. It should be working now.
This should be the last failed test.

@giohappy yes, now all tests have passed