Authority lookup webcomponent
Closed this issue ยท 19 comments
A webcomponent geov-authority-lookup
which we can lookup URI entities from authority files (Wikidata and GND)
Two webcomponents: geov-authority-lookup
and geov-authority-lookup-explorer
This will use lobid (for gnd) and SPARQL (for Wikidata). See Confluence documentation.
It's just a mini webcomponent which only a certain number of best occurences from a result of API can be display.
(The 'Open' button will be 'clear' and accompanied by an 'open' button)
With three buttons, we can copy, select or access the uri.
Select: The user can select an item. This emits the selected URI in an event on geov-authority-lookup.
Open: The user can open the website of the item in a new browser tab.
Copy: The user can copy the URI to the clipboard. (not available by default)
- api (e.g. 'wikidata' or 'gnd')
- keywords
- type (can be null)
- nbOccurencesMax (by default: 5) the number of occurences on display
- listButtons (by default ['select', 'open']) (other possible value in this list: 'copy')
It's a webcomponent which the previous webcomponent can be used there.
The webcomponent will mainly be completed with a search field, a type selection and a button.
- list of type (Person, Place, Group to start)
- list of authority we want use (by default, 'gnd', 'wikidata')
Examples of data with API
We can use item & name.
GND (lobid),Kepler&filter=type:Person&format=json:preferredName
Returns (partial data):
"image": "",
"label": "Kepler, Johannes",
"id": "",
"category": "Individualisierte Person"
We can use label & id.
additional integration: idref
We can use ppn_z (for concatenate URI, no alternative) & affcourt_z (label)
I like this spec @perrauda ! The UI is clean and clear. I like the splitting in two components.
These are my considerations. If you agree with them, please adapt the spec accordingly, otherwise let's discuss it here.
Must have actions per item:
- Select: The user can select an item. This emits the selected URI in an event on geov-authority-lookup.
- Open: The user can open the website of the item in a new browser tab.
Nice to have action per item:
- Copy: The user can copy the URI to the clipboard.
We could have three inputs on geov-authority-lookup to enable / disable each of the three actions. By default, Select and Open should be enabled.
In the mockup of eov-authority-lookup-explorer the list items currently have two actions: copy and open.
Instead of icons I suggest to use buttons:
(The icon is used if the whole item is clickable: or just as icon without click action:
Responsive Design
How willl the component look on mobile?
WikiData API
I don't really like that you have to parse html from the snippet and that you have to concatenate the title to create the URI. If you think, the Wikidata Query Service is as well a good option, I'd prefer it. Then we are already in the world of LOD standards, which seems more reliable to me in terms of long term support and it makes it very flexible for further developments of the component. In short, unless you have clear arguments for Cirrus, I opt for SPARQL (Wikidata Query Service).
Thank you, the specifications have been modified following your comment. Is it ok?
On my side OK for SPARQL, I will study it a little more in the meantime.
A thought: Both buttons now have the same style. I think, select is the primary action, open the secondary. To reflect this hierarchy visually, you could set the fill of "Open" to "clear". In addition, you could add a open icon (the one you had before) to the end of the button.
Question: What "types" would you start with? I suggest to start with Person, Place and Group. The mapping to GND and Wikidata Types is then to be done during implementation.
Ok for the buttons, I note that.
Ok for types, we start with Person, Place and Group.
List of types in GND (However several types are subclasses):
Wikidata it's more complicated to find a list of types, we need to find one by one I think, no problem with this three types.
In GND explorer we could see the list of types they were using (8 or 9) but the website is currently down.
Ok, spec review is finished from my side
additional integration: idref
Hello, the webcomponent is ready, just as you asked, and you can now do a review for the UX aspect.
Here is the doc:
You'll find different stories, all can be tested
thank you @perrauda this looks great!
For me, the functionalities are fine.
comment 1 DK
Just two comments:
- short response when clicking "select"
In order to improve the authority lookup explorer, when clicking select nothing visible happens. a small user feedback like "you have selected id1111" would be helpful.
- in the authority lookup explorer, it would be good to enable "copy" by default
comment 2 DK
my comments are regarding the documentation:
describe somehwere which APIs are available for this webcomponent and how they can be called/connected (idref, gnd, wikidata)
Note: I have now seen that this is described in the selction "Component API".
however, this section "Component API" is not referenced in the menu on the left. Please add it there. You can then reference to this section in the examples above.
comment 6 DK
Regarding the APIs, we have currently GND, idref and wikidata. I would suggest to include the API of Geovistory Public. I am aware that this is a new requirement, but given the estimate from Alexandre that this can be done in 1 day, I think it would be great.
--- End of Review ---
comment 1 DK
- For Select button: We add a
alert("you selected "+ uri)
- We activate the Copy button in the first story (Playground).
Done in #69
comment 2 DK
It is not so easy to add a link to the left. We agreed to try to make a link to the left. If it is not possible, we add a link to "Component API" to the introduction text.
Added Table of contents in #69
comment 3 DK
Since we don't need the stories of geov-authority-lookup-explorer, we delete them.
Done in #69
comment 4 DK
It is maintained by the Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education (ABES) in France.
The component has a rich API for customization and styling, see below.
Supported user actions:
- Filter the authority files by search terms (full text) and type
- View a ranked list of entities.
- Click on one of the following buttons:
- Select: Emits the URI of the selected entity as a DOM event.
- Copy: Copies the URI of the selected entity to the clipboard.
- Open: Opens the URI of the selected entity in a new browser tab.
() => <GeovAuthorityLookup displayCopyBtn={true} displayOpenBtn={true} displaySelectBtn={true}></GeovAuthorityLookup>
The buttons have this behavior:
- Select: Emits the URI of the selected entity as a DOM event.
- Copy: Copies the URI of the selected entity to the clipboard.
- Open: Opens the URI of the selected entity in a new browser tab.