
Deviot overriding build systems for C / C++ files

krish2487 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello.. This is not technically an issue per say. but it would be nice to not force the associations of C / cpp files with deviot build system. It is an amazing plugin, but I also work with other C projects and it is a pain to reset the syntax to C every time I open a c / cpp file. I have other plugins like linters and LSP which work only if the build system is set to C or C++ depending on the extension. Is there a way to reset these associations in sublime?? Alternatively, can this be made into a menu item that can be turn on and off?

Operating system

Mac OS 10.14.6 Mojave

Board used

Not relevant.

Error(s) in ST Console? (View > Show Console)

Not relevant

Steps to Reproduce

Install deviot from package control and open any C / cpp project or file. The build system indicator on the bottom right defaults to deviot instead of C / C++. It can be reset explicitly to C or C++ but it is preferable to have the defaults to C / C++ and explicitly set it to deviot for a platformio project.

Actual Results


Expected Results


Additional info


rwols commented

FWIW this was fixed in LSP by adding this syntax to the list of languages, something like this:

          "languageId": "cpp",
          "scopes": [
          "syntaxes": [
            "Packages/Deviot (Arduino IDE)/deviot.sublime-syntax",

I would suggest to at least keep the base scope as source.c++, instead of source.iot. This way, your syntax will auto-work in ST4 which uses just these base scope selectors.

@rwols The file extension is cpp or c. if that is what you are suggesting..

Ok. For anyone else that might run into the same issue.
This is how I hacked around it.

Comment out the lines ~ 42/43 in User-Packages-Deviot (Arduino IDE)

   # Load or fix the right deviot syntax file 

This prevents deviot from overwriting the syntax associations with C/C++/h files everytime sublime text starts.
The flip side is that on an actual deviot project, the syntax has to be manually set to deviot.

I am closing the issue now.

The flip side is that on an actual deviot project, the syntax has to be manually set to deviot.

In file "" (Data\Packages\Deviot (Arduino IDE)\libraries) on line 25 man can edit extension list.
I left just "ino" extension:
accepted = ['ino']