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Does Gephi Lite support automagical Hierarchy Clustering?

I have a (large) GEXF, which I have generated myself in my tool, where I have added both pid (for single parents) and <parents><parent for=”...” /> (when there are multiple parents) ... and was hoping that instead of this hard-to-read GraphViz equivalent, Gephi Lite would "nicely group" the Nodes, based on that new "parentage" information.

However when I open my graph.gexf on, it's still just one big "jumble", so far - it seems the same as before I added pid and <parents><parent for=”...” />. So I was wondering if it's even interpreting it at all?

Does Gephi Lite not (yet?) support clustering, and simply ignores the parents?

Or am I doing something wrong - or misunderstand how this works?

I can share the GEXF publicly tomorrow, if it's of any interest.

@paulgirard @sim51 @jacomyal 👋🏽

I can share the GEXF publicly tomorrow, if it's of any interest.

It's here:

Sorry but hierarchy from GEXF is not supported and will probably never be.
Tree are very special graphs which require specific layout algorithms.

With the current Gephi Lite you could :

  • use the circle pack layout to visualize your hierarchy if you add parent as node attributes
  • use Force Atlas 2 to spacialise your graph (here is my two minutes result:

To learn how to do that see this very nice Tutorial from Veronica