
Filter graph by partition

antropoiese opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to filter a graph by partition using the toolkit 0.9.1.
Running the example, the filter by partition does not work.

//Filter, keep partition 'Blogarama'. Build partition with 'source' column in the data NodePartitionFilter partitionFilter = new NodePartitionFilter(graphModel.getNodeTable().getColumn("source"), appearanceModel); partitionFilter.unselectAll(); partitionFilter.addPart("Blogarama"); Query query2 = filterController.createQuery(partitionFilter); GraphView view2 = filterController.filter(query2); graphModel.setVisibleView(view2);

There is something wrong in the query parameters?
many thanx

I am also facing same issues. I tried using EdgePartitionFilter it does not worked.
Have you found any solution.