
Gephi 0.10.1: No files in Open File list and direct file open from Finder doesn't open the .gephi project

fharvey opened this issue · 0 comments

Expected Behavior

A list of files appears in the open file dialog window and a double-click on a .gephi file opens gephi with this file.

Current Behavior

There is no list of files ever and the double-click in the Finder list starts Gephi, but never opens the file.

Possible Solution

The behaviour is unique to this machine running Mac OS 13.4.1. Another computer with the same OS version, same file and same Gephi version shows the file list and the double-click in Finder of a .gephi file works correctly.
I suspect the bug is a result of a Java misconfiguration issue, but I don't know how to test or proceed.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start computer
  2. Open Finder; navigate to directory with Gephi file
  3. Double-click on .gephi file


Your Environment

  • Version used: Gephi 0.10.1
  • Operating System: Mac OS 13.4.1