
Invalid svg polyline points (NaN) exporting curved edges between overlapping nodes.

nathanal opened this issue · 0 comments

Expected Behavior

Valid svg produced on export using

The edge is between two overlapping nodes.

I'm not sure, either the edge shouldn't be exported, or the polyline should have no points.

Current Behavior

On export, if two nodes are overlapping and have a shared edge, the path and arrows produced are invalid svg. Specifically the NaN is not valid.

<path stroke-linecap="round" fill="none" class="id_200 id_1"
              d="M -166.344223,-155.416153 A 2.253508,2.253508 0,0 1,NaN,NaN"
              stroke="#c0c0c0" stroke-width="0.1" stroke-opacity="1.0"/>
<!-- and further along -->
        <polyline fill="#c0c0c0" fill-opacity="1.0" class="id_200 id_1"
                  points="NaN,NaN NaN,NaN NaN,NaN" stroke="none"/>


Following the SVG 1.1 specs, numbers are expected:

Possible Solution

Unsure, I'm just starting out the gephi/graphs in general.

If there shouldn't be any lines, simply having no points i.e. points="" and d="" will be fine.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open the attached project (it is simplified, only two nodes and an edge) (rename to buggy.gephi).
  2. Go to the preview tab
  3. Make sure Show edges, and Curved is checked (under the Edges tab)
  4. Export to svg


Bunch of errors logged in inkscape. I guess it's not that bad.

Your Environment

  • Version used: Gephi 0.10.1 202301172018
  • Operating System: Linux Mint 20 (I'm running in a snap package)