
Neighbor node highlighting broken by Data Laboratory's Select on Overview

suthers opened this issue · 2 comments

Expected Behavior

A very useful default behavior of Gephi is that when you point at a node in Overview its neighbors are highlighted. I use this a lot when teaching.

Current Behavior

However, recently it has mysteriously been turned off and I could not get it back on. Today I discovered what turns it off: See Steps to Reproduce

The only way I have been able to restore the desired highlight behavior is to close the project and re-open it.

Please let me know if there is some gesture sequence that will restore it, and enter queue this up for a bug fix.

Possible Solution

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Have a network visualized in Overview. Verify that pointing to a node highlights the node and its neighbors.
  2. Go to Data Laboratory, right-click a node, and Select on Overview
  3. Go back to Overview. Now the first problem is manifest: pointing at a node does nothing.
  4. Clicking on the toolbar arrow for Direct Selection restores highlighting when you point at a node, but its neighbors are not highlighted. When you point at a node all of its neighbors are greyed out, making it very hard to discuss the structural neighborhood of a node while teaching.


Affects me whenever moving between Data Laboratory and the visualization to understand how metrics in Data Laboratory related to the visualized context. Negatively impacts my use of Gephi for teaching.

Your Environment

  • Version used: Gephi 0.10.1
  • Operating System: Monterey 12.7

Update: Closing the project and re-opening it is no longer working; the broken highlighting is retained in the affected workspace but not in new workspaces in the same project.

I'll provide images of a portion of the network before selection, the same portion with ego network selected as expected, and the broken behavior after using "Select on Overview".

Would appreciate your review and workaround as my students are complaining (their assignment requires using this feature).


I am also having this issue, but it doesn't seem strictly related to "select on overview" for me. I have known about this bug and avoided using "Select on Overview" but still encountered this bug. Haven't figured out yet what caused it this time. Anyone know how to fix?