
Node size defaults no longer retain last user entry

suthers opened this issue · 0 comments

Expected Behavior

The first thing I do when visualizing a network is to go into Nodes / node size / Ranking, select a metric such as Degree, and change Min size to 10 and Max size to 100 before Applying.

In previous versions of Gephi, it would retain 10 and 100 as the default whenever I revisited this menu and selected a different metric. (I don't recall whether the default change applied to other networks in the session.)

This was very useful to avoid having to replace 1 and 4 with 10 and 100 every time I change the metric and was a good example of adapting to users.

Current Behavior

In the new version, each selection of the attribute leads to Min size and Max size being reset to 1 and 4.
This also applies to the text size defaults, though I don't change that often.

Possible Solution

Could you restore the "default to last values used" behavior? Or alternately, make the default a settable option in the Gephi/Preferences Options panel? (I imagine the latter is a new feature and would be more work than the former.)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open a network
  2. Select the node size icon
  3. Select Ranking
  4. Select an attribute
  5. Enter new Min size and Max size values
  6. Apply
  7. Select a different attribute
  8. Now your prior values are lost and replaced with 1 and 4


Example while teaching: I'm showing the class how different centrality metrics change the weighting, and want to switch quickly between them for node size, but have to take class time for this tedious re-entry while I complain about it to my students.

Your Environment

  • Version used: Gephi 0.10.1
  • Operating System: Monterey 12.7