
Modularity output different depending on the order of importing nodes and edges table

ubique123 opened this issue · 0 comments

Expected Behavior

Stable results of the modularity measure and identified communities

Current Behavior

When importing a .csv file, formatted as a Nodes table (Id, Label columns only) and then appending another .csv file, formatted as na Edges table (source, target, weight columns only) I get lower modularity scores and more communities (the decomposition is stable when repeated).
When I first import the edges table and then append the nodes table (or do not append it at all), I get higher modularity scores with less communities, and, again, the result is stable when I repeat the importing and computation.
The graph is weighted and directed, and modularity options are: randomize - yes, use weights - yes, resolution - 1.0, classes start at - 0.

I have also generated a similar graph from fake data, and the problem remains - the order of importing data files changes modularity scores.

Attached is the study data (assortNodes.csv is the nodes table, outbreak.csv is the edges table) and the fake data (nodesTest.csv and edgesTest.csv)

Possible Solution

Steps to Reproduce


Your Environment

  • Version used: Gephi 0.10.1
  • Operating System: Win 11