
Doesn't recognize a legit ext4 partition

nimatrueway opened this issue · 1 comments

When I am trying to mount an ext4 partition using
sudo ext4fuse /dev/disk0s5 /Volumes/Linux
I get this error message :
Partition doesn't contain EXT4 filesystem

Here's a query of my partitions in macOS :

> diskutil list
/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   5:           Linux Filesystem                         55.8 GB    disk0s6
   7:           Linux Filesystem                         62.9 GB    disk0s8

query on my ubuntu 16.04 :

> lsblk --fs

  ├─sdb6 ext4    bank        61b6e9f5-a348-43a5-ba67-789349897182 /bank
  └─sdb8 ext4    linux       d1e943eb-2999-4b41-be5b-b9251819351f /

( I have installed the latest version of FUSE for macOS (3.5.8), and then install ext4fuse using homebrew (0.1.3) on my macOS Sierra. )

Sorry guys !
I had installed "FUSE for macOS" through pkg file. I removed and reinstalled it following the ext4fuse instructions, it works like charm now.