Include option for Talkback to speak numbers in pairs.
Opened this issue · 1 comments
GoogleCodeExporter commented
In most contexts (even notepad apps), numbers are spoken like U.S. phone
one hundred twenty-three, four hundred fifty-six, seventy-eight, ninety
one hundred twenty-three, four hundred fifty-six, seven thousand eight hundred
Occasionally, they are spoken in words:
one billion two hundred thirty-four million, five hundred sixty-seven thousand,
eight hundred ninety
Though helpful when listening to U.S. phone numbers, this can be disconcerting
when listening to other types of numbers (e.g., account numbers).
It becomes more confusing for people who live in countries with a different
system for organizing phone numbers.
Many Android users from Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries would like to
have an option for hearing numbers spoken in pairs:
twelve, thirty-four, fifty-six, seventy-eight
If the number contains an odd number of digits, they would like to hear the
first number spoken individually:
one, twenty-three, forty-five, sixty-seven
Original issue reported on by
on 13 Jun 2013 at 3:30
GoogleCodeExporter commented
I also believe speaking numbers as pairs would be useful. However, I think Talk
Back should have an optional setting to control number processing all together,
allowing for digits, whole numbers or pairs. Digits would be most helpful when
Talk Back reads the caller ID, when sorting through a contact list, or looking
at bank statements in a banking app. Pairs would indeed be helpful for Spanish
and Portuguese speaking folks, but having an option to control number
processing would be greatly appreciated. There are applications where all
settings would be helpful.
Original comment by
on 10 May 2014 at 1:56