
Feature Request: Blur Panel Background option?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I'm not sure if this'd be possible, but it's something I've always wanted from day 1 on Cinnamon, even if it's only a performance reducing option for this extension...

I always liked blurry backgrounds, but that is not the purpose of this extension. I'm not going to add an option for that, even if it is possible. I don't like Frankenstein apps.

@germanfr Would there ever be the possibility in the form of another extension? It's be seriously awesome if you could do that in another extension...

I have no motivation nor time to do it right now. Also, I think a better approach would be to implement it as CSS properties in the Cinnamon side. Because I bet you are thinking on Aero, and the most I could do is adding the blur to the panel, but not to the menus and other widgets. Too much effort for such a thing, it isn't worth it for me.

@germanfr All I'd want was just panel blur if anything...

@germanfr Also, if you ever decided you wanted to try adding blur, you may want to look into 'Show Desktop ++''s code for the blur effect

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Yes, it definitely is. The themer should use the panel-transparent class and add a bit of opacity into it (or whatever). Then the user can select the "defined by theme" option and those styles will be applied and it will be semi-transparent instead of transparent.

@cinnamoner I forgot to mention that only applies to by-default opaque themes. If your theme is semi-transparent byt default and you want to turn it opaque when maximized, then it's even easier.
The themer does not have to do anything. The user has to select the "defined by theme" option as well and check the option "remove theme transparency". But note that this is still an experimental feature.