
Minor improvements

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Just collecting small ideas :-)

  • Show number of selected pilots when listing trainings?
  • Write down useful information for new pilots (e.g. toilets, drinking water, parking spots, prices, ...)
  • Add links to Birdwing and other partners
  • Go back to page after updating signup from paginated trainings list
  • Only to for next Saturday from Monday on, still go by default to today if it's Sunday
  • Add columns to admin table of Training (e.g. max_pilots) and Signup (e.g. is_certain)
  • Batch role change in admin panel
  • Success URL when ending up on login and having to register
  • Try 4.1's bulk_create for creating Trainings, as it might be able to update existing Trainings
  • Make pre-filled texts when updating training a drop-up, they are not visible on mobile. Also color code might be nice.
  • Check priority date is before start when bulk creating or updating trainings
  • Ask for address in membership form
  • Make form's error more useful (e.g. state which field is required, might have to set required=False and clean everything manually)
  • Sign up for several days at once? Date range selector? Picking several trainings from list?
  • Prefill stored Training.infos when updating Training!
  • Fix margin between "Über uns" and "Partner" cards
  • Explain, that we don't store postal addresses with holiday plans
  • Use "einschreiben" everywhere (e.g. in "Über uns" we use "Anmeldung)
  • Require is_certain or WholeDay for is_motivated?
  • Add sidebar to contact.html and 404.html maybe too?
  • Make upcoming trainings more readable: grey out count of canceled signups, warn-color for 75% and not WholeDay
  • Print week day in signups success message, to make mistakes easier to notice
  • add season begin and end to infos
  • Add link to AirG and mention that we also have those demos
  • sleeping options
  • admin: sort signups by descending date, trainings too
  • validate phones, apparently chrome fills in emails sometimes ... Also use these tags for readers?
  • Make login cookies live longer than two weeks
  • Assert no emergency mail was sent, before sending; currently I guess two orgas could be sending one at the same time 🤔
  • Make emergency button clickable to list phone numbers of participants, and rather disable send button for emergency mail
  • Paginate SignupListView by year (along the lines of ReportListView)
  • Forward to QR code when paying by TWINT
  • Add warning for earlier unpaid Signup in create_bill
  • "Bitte Kassenstand erfassen" warning should not show up, when any cash_at_end is saved
  • URL to Bilanz should be berichte/bilanz
  • Welcome email after registration; someone was not sure whether registration worked 🤷 and might help to figure out with which email one registered 🤔
  • Replace None with ? in list_reports before Report.cash_at_end is saved
  • There might be a bug in update_bill when flights were paid (and not from abo)
  • Aggregate TWINT transactions by week (as we get weekly receipts)
  • ReportListView and BalanceView are getting slower with every report ...
  • Show IBAN in create_absorption
  • Redirect when creating report before sending emergency mail
  • Add pull-to-refresh Works now on Firefox
  • List all active pilots of season
  • Yesterday's training is still listed for the one or two hours after midnight, when UTC is still yesterday; likely create_report also goes wrong ...
  • Would be nice to have checkboxes for CTR/TMA, parking tickets, and briefing if new pilots are there, when creating a report.
  • Use MessagesTestMixin.assertMessages() from Django 5
  • Add Absorptions to TWINT revenue in balance
  • Show amounts paid by the pilots in report_update table
  • Show mode of transportation in report_update table
  • Use Django standard password validation when creating account; currently you can use 123 as password, but not change one to 123 (because too short and too common)
  • Show numbers of lift day passes & numbers of flights with Postauto in Bilanz