Closed this issue · 4 comments
gallium is a replacement for electron. Its golang based, and so removes the need for Nodejs etc.
it currently ONLY works on OSX, but is planned to work on windows and linux.
SO just putting this here for now so you knwo about gallium.
@joeblew99 sorry! I don't get this!
Is this a feature request? This project is for electron! Any PR is welcome though!
I don't know anything about gallium and I suck big time at UI/UX and front end so it really doesn't ring a bell!
Gallium is an alternative to Electron.
Its does the same thing as Electron, but is based on golang.
So, with gallium, you dont ned any node js and have much more control
Hope that make its advantages clear.
i used to use Electron but changed to Gallium and its been great
@joeblew99 you can submit a PR that uses gallum! I will merge it!