
deployment options

Closed this issue · 1 comments

orlin commented

I just watched Bobby Calderwood's Conj talk and started looking into how one could use Kafka. This library seems to be the best choice for a Clojure backend. I consider OpenShift to be a great PaaS for Clojure apps deployment (especially for its "free" plan) and I noticed they had partnered with Mesosphere which offers Kafka. Guessing that uses Zookeeper though (rather than Redis) which means incompatible? Since you already have a Vagrant template, maybe Hashicorp's Atlas would be a better fit? I also found articles online for non-clustered deployment of Kafka, can this library be used in such cases, with ease -- a small project that wants to use the right architecture / workflow, yet may not need to (ever) "scale"?

This library uses redis but doesn't mean that the kafka broker needs to use it. i.e you can deploy on any framework as long as you have access to a redis installation you can use this kafka client.
I've not tried redis on openshift but have a look at this link