
Keen 4 Plus crashes when loading savegame

lavolp3 opened this issue · 9 comments

Keen 4 Plus crashes when I try to load a recently saved game.
Tried it in retropie 4.4 on a Raspberry Pi 3, then it crashed back to the emulationstation menue without any message.
Also tried in Windows 10 64 bit environment (Keen 4 Plus v. 1.4), then it crashed with a runtime error.

I find that a bit strange. Which CG Version are you using? Retropie should have the latest one.

Can you send me that savefile? I would like to perform some Tests.

On windows I have downlaoded the 2.2.0 as zip and just started that.
The save is stored under "..Documents\Commander Genius\save\games\Keen 4 Plus\Keen4Plus"

For the retropie version I have to check this afternoon at home.

Okay thanks will check that later. Thanks for sharing.

Here is the save from retropie. Same problem. Don't know what I'm doing wrong...

Tested on my system, so far these two file both open just fine. I Will test on it another system in a while -> Windows and Retropie

Must set those up. I have a new system here...

Confirmed. On Windows 10 it does crash. I think it is the same problem as on RPi. I'm going to have this fixed for the next release.

Okay, tested against latest version 2.2.1 and does not crash anymore. Try it out and reopen this ticket if you still have problem.

I have created a merge request for Retropie. If you can't wait you can use my repo for the meanwhile.

But Now I can't start it on Win 10 64 bit. "SCL2_mixer.dll not found."
Tried the zip package and the installer. Both with the same result...

My mistake, forgot to bundle that DLL. You can get it here:

Take the runtime x86 package and extract it where the exe is. I will bundle it for next release.