Movement / Buttons binding menus do not open
jdbrowndev opened this issue · 1 comments
I am running Commander Genius on the Raspberry Pi 4 as part of RetroPie 4.6.1. When I launch any of the Keen 1-6 games and select Configure->Controls, I am unable to open the Movement or the Buttons bindings menus. Nothing happens when I select those options, but the other options in the same menu (e.g. Two Button Fire) are working.
Any advice on how to get these binding menus to open? My intent is to bind everything to my gamepad, and while the sample code in #309 does work, it doesn't have enough information for me to know how to switch movement from the analog sticks to the dpad.
Figured it out. RetroPie was downloading version 2.3.6 and not the latest 2.4.2. I modified the cgenius script to download and install 2.4.2, which appears to resolve the binding menus failing to open. Here's the dpad bindings I ended up with in-case someone finds this issue:
Analog = false
Back = Joy0-B6
Camlead = Joy0-B4
Down = Joy0-H4
Fire = Joy0-B1
Help = Joy0-B9
Jump = Joy0-B0
Left = Joy0-H8
Lower-Left = Key 1073741901 (End)
Lower-Right = Key 1073741902 (PageDown)
Pogo = Joy0-B3
Right = Joy0-H2
Run = Joy0-B2
Status = Joy0-B8
TwoButtonFiring = false
Up = Joy0-H1
Upper-Left = Key 1073741898 (Home)
Upper-Right = Key 1073741899 (PageUp)