
URL Shortening Plugin for ExpressionEngine

Primary LanguagePHP

This plugin returns a short version of a given URL using urlms.com service API.





You can use a custom pointer, instead of the ones automatically generate by urlms.com. E.g: http://urlms.com/foo


You can choose whether or not your short URL will instantly redirect to its destination, or a page with information about the destination URL will be shown before redirecting.



Returns: http://urlms.com/SdH

{exp:urlms preview="yes"}www.expressionengine.com{/exp:urlms}

Returns: http://urlms.com/mOX

{exp:urlms pointer="ellislab"}http://ellislab.com/{/exp:urlms}

Returns: http://urlms.com/ellislab

{exp:urlms pointer="enginehosting" preview="yes"}http://www.enginehosting.com/{/exp:urlms}

Returns: http://urlms.com/enginehosting


This is a plugin for the ExpressionEngine content management system, and has been tested with ExpressionEngine version 1.6.8.