Terraform provider implementation for Instana REST API
- 2
Disable Built-in events
#105 opened by sccatch - 1
Add support for managed location
#225 opened by Anil-55 - 1
Add smart alert configurations for synthetics
#226 opened by Anil-55 - 3
Add Support for Dynamic Custom Payload Values
#222 opened by scottcurtis2605 - 1
Create data sources for Resources
#167 opened by gessnerfl - 6
Support for multiple Threshold Rules
#206 opened by pavan141994 - 2
need some help on data element
#204 opened by pavan141994 - 0
Add support for application alert type Errors
#214 opened by gessnerfl - 2
- 2
fetch channel id and event ids in the terraform
#203 opened by pavan141994 - 2
Incompatible provider version
#200 opened by pavan141994 - 2
- 2
Unable to create custom event specifications when ruleType is host_availability
#190 opened by bhepburn - 1
Failed to map TagFilterExpression
#195 opened by gessnerfl - 0
- 2
Apply failing with API request timed out when creating multiple resources of the same type with a for_each
#191 opened by janritter - 1
Migrate deprecated SLI resource to new API schema
#121 opened by gessnerfl - 0
Split Synthetic Test configuration per type
#171 opened by gessnerfl - 1
Create data source for alerting channels
#182 opened by gessnerfl - 0
- 0
- 1
Add deprecation note for default prefix and suffix in provider documentation
#181 opened by gessnerfl - 1
Migrate Alerting Channels into single resource
#169 opened by gessnerfl - 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
Add field ApplicationId on Synthetic Test resources
#160 opened by mbrizbee - 0
- 2
- 2
Removing the instana terraform code, resulted in an error when removing the resources
#139 opened by alexross1988 - 5
Application_alert_configuration Resource is duplicated each time terraform code is applied
#141 opened by alexluca2 - 1
Updating deleted event config ID
#140 opened by strangechange0 - 1
- 2
allow to skip certificate validation
#134 opened by carlobongiovanni - 0
Tag filters does not support bracketing
#131 opened by gessnerfl - 0
Dashboard resource
#106 opened by katya-tis - 1
switch to golangci-lint
#128 opened by gessnerfl - 5
Support for WebSite and Application smart alerts
#102 opened by francisra75 - 0
Support for website alert config
#126 opened by gessnerfl - 4
- 0
ARM64 support
#119 opened by gessnerfl - 4
Instana Terraform provider has wrong documentation paths on
#117 opened by vatima2016 - 1
Address vulnerabilities
#110 opened by gessnerfl - 2
- 0
- 0
Terraform Provider is considering tag keys as value
#111 opened by gessnerfl - 0
Documentation for RBAC groups is missing
#108 opened by gessnerfl - 0
Support tag filter for application config
#104 opened by gessnerfl