
Option to suppress `Cannot process specified file: it’s ignored` error

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Subject of the feature

I would like to be able to ignore or suppress the Cannot process specified file: it’s ignored error because I want to run AlexJS with pre-commit (

I'm using this hook:


The way pre-commit automates running programs is by passing changed files to that program. If, for example, I ignore *.csv in .alexignore, then run pre-commit after changing foo.csv, pre-commit will call alex foo.csv, and AlexJS will complain and cause the check to fail even though everything is fine:

  1:1  error  Cannot process specified file: it’s ignored

Expected behaviour

I'd like to pass an arg, for example --suppress-ignored-file-error, to convert this error to a warning, or to suppress it entirely.


There’s a silentlyIgnore option for the engine, which is used in the CLI.
A PR adding a --silently-ignore flag that turns that on is welcome!

Thanks for that useful context! I'll try and make some time, but I do have a long backlog right now. If anyone else is looking for this feature, don't wait on me. I'll post here when I am able to get started.