
Set up a dedicated forum for the Avalon community

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Currently there are two locations to discuss Avalon-related things:

  1. The Avalon Issues section to discuss bugs/feature requests.
  2. The Avalon Gitter that acts as an active chat for quick discussions and help questions.

Both serve a very good purpose, but also have their drawbacks for the community. The Github issue section seems like a hurdle for non-developers to start using it. They tend to stay away from it. Additionally it wouldn't be the perfect place for tons of questions a newcomer might have. With the Gitter chat it's non-trivial to trace back certain discussions and the same questions often tend to come up because newcomers can't easily find back previous answers.

As such, a decent community forum could overcome this. It can serve specific topics and can be discussed openly and they are easy to read through at a later stage. It's less scary than Github issues too and familiar for most people. Additionally it's easy to find specific topics or "tags" of interest.


Likely a Discourse forum would be perfect as discussed on Avalon Gitter. This is also used by BlenderArtists, Pyblish forums and Tech-Artist Forums. Here is the Avalon community forum discussion on Avalon gitter which later continued here.

A test forum has been setup: as mentioned on Gitter.

It should also allow you to register using your E-mail, Google or Github accounts. There aren't really any topics yet, but it would be great if any discussion that come up could be started there. :)