
base font size?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

How come if I change the $default-font-size in variables to 14px, in the browser the font is actually 16px? with no other styles etc applied...

Seems like it's something to do with the 1rem font size kicking in and it ignores the 14px, is this right? I know I can change the font-size mixin and get it to take out the rem size but I just wondered why and what was best to do?

Or should I just leave it as 16 default font, and then override it afterwards in my custom styles and bring it down to 14?


Hey Mr Carl,

It's the latter. You want to leave the 16 default font and override it in your custom styles.

For example in your body class, you would have:
body {

I hope this makes sense.

I'll be making these variables in the next Base release more clear and concise.

Thank you for your patience!

