
does not send mail or activate the alert

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey there, i get the following errors in chrome debug console:

/modules/pricealert/ajax.php:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
POST 404 (Not Found)
(anonymous) @ VM8532:formatted:37
send @ core.js:1571
ajax @ core.js:1492
(anonymous) @ pricealert.js:30
(anonymous) @ pricealert.js:9
r.submit @ pricealert.js:30
l @ pricealert.js:9
invokeGuardedCallback @ pricealert.js:17
invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError @ pricealert.js:17
h @ pricealert.js:9
v @ pricealert.js:9
b @ pricealert.js:9
y @ pricealert.js:9
k @ pricealert.js:9
Qr @ pricealert.js:17
Ie @ pricealert.js:9
batchedUpdates @ pricealert.js:9
J @ pricealert.js:9
Me @ pricealert.js:9

Firefox also reports me this errors:

Source-Map-Fehler: request failed with status 404
Source-Map-Adresse:[Weitere Informationen]

Source-Map-Fehler: request failed with status 404
Source-Map-Adresse:[Weitere Informationen]

Source-Map-Fehler: request failed with status 404
Source-Map-Adresse:[Weitere Informationen]

what can i do about it?
i have 2 languages in the shop so the url should be
is this the issue/an issue or is this how it is supposed to be?

forgot to mention:
PHP 7.2 PS


Maybe this has something to do with it, it is when i try to access the revws module in backoffice:

Parameter "id" for route "admin_product_form" must match "\d+" ("{ID}" given) to generate a corresponding URL.

Level Channel Message
INFO06:37:03 php User Deprecated: AdminMarketing is a deprecated tab since version 1.7.0 and "Default" will be removed in 1.7.1.. Upgrade module using the docs:
DEBUG06:37:03 php Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /home/ilikevap/public_html/admin2131/themes/default/css/theme.css
CRITICAL06:37:05 php Uncaught Exception: Parameter "id" for route "admin_product_form" must match "\d+" ("{ID}" given) to generate a corresponding URL.
DEBUG06:37:05 doctrine SELECT name FROM pslx_module WHERE active = 1
INFO06:37:05 php User Deprecated: Implementing "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\DataCollectorInterface" without the "reset()" method is deprecated since Symfony 3.4 and will be unsupported in 4.0 for class "Csa\Bundle\GuzzleBundle\DataCollector\GuzzleCollector".
CRITICAL06:37:05 request Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException: "Parameter "id" for route "admin_product_form" must match "\d+" ("{ID}" given) to generate a corresponding URL." at /home/ilikevap/public_html/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Routing/Generator/UrlGenerator.php line 146

Parameter "id" for route "admin_product_form" must match "\d+" ("{ID}" given) to generate a corresponding URL.

at vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Routing/Generator/UrlGenerator.php:146
at Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator->doGenerate(array('id' => 0), array('_controller' => 'PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\ProductController::formAction', '_legacy_controller' => 'AdminProducts', '_legacy_param_mapper_class' => 'PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Product\AdminProductDataProvider', '_legacy_param_mapper_method' => 'mapLegacyParametersProductForm'), array('id' => '\d+'), array(array('variable', '/', '\d+', 'id'), array('text', '/product/form')), array('id' => '{ID}'), 'admin_product_form', 1, array(), array())
at appDevDebugProjectContainerUrlGenerator->generate('admin_product_form', array('id' => '{ID}'), 1)
at Symfony\Component\Routing\Router->generate('admin_product_form', array('id' => '{ID}'), 1)
at PrestaShopBundle\Service\Routing\Router->generate('admin_product_form', array('id' => '{ID}'))
at LinkCore->getAdminLink('AdminProducts', true, array('id_product' => '{ID}', 'updateproduct' => 1), array('id_product' => '{ID}', 'updateproduct' => 1, 'token' => '1fa2101760b688fa331d7b0dd4f29b79'))
at AdminRevwsBackendController->getAdminLink('AdminProducts', array('id_product' => '{ID}', 'updateproduct' => 1))
at AdminRevwsBackendController->getDrilldownTokens()
at AdminRevwsBackendController->display()
at ControllerCore->run()
at DispatcherCore->dispatch()


This is not a bug in a module, rather a misconfiguration of your server.

Since it's 404 error, than please check following

  1. file ajax.php is present in /modules/pricealert/ajax.php
  2. you might have some special rewrite rules in you .htaccess
  3. you might have installed some security software that blocks this url

hmm no special security software.
what shall i look for in htaccess? and in which folder? i found multiple in various directories with the search

i have deactivated and activated the url rewrite, this should have regenerated them.. but still nothing :/