
Possibility of exposing a Trait as a vtable in current release?

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I would like to take a Trait that I have and allow someone from the C side to provide an implementation of it in order to create a generic Rust struct internally. Based on the current documentation and my browsing of issues here I'm not sure I would accomplish that (even in a workaround type of way) and how that will improve with any changes that are coming.

Usage would be something like this

pub trait SomeTrait {
    fn some_method(&self, input: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>,  SomeError>;
    fn some_other_method(&mut self) -> String;

pub struct SomeStruct<T: SomeTrait> {
    inner_trait: SomeTrait

My assumption was that I would be able to do something like the following but I'm struggling with the specifics

pub struct SomeTraitVTable {
    some_method: extern "C" fn (self??, input: slice_ref<u8>,  out: Out???) -> c_int,
    some_other_method: extern "C" fn (&mut self??) -> repr_c::String

impl SomeTrait for SomeTraitVTable {
    // Not sure how this would work and how I would deal with &self and the output variable

pub fn some_struct_new(repr_c::Box<SomeTraitVTable>) -> repr_c::Box<SomeStruct> {

@tomleavy yes, this is definitely on safer-ffi's radar, and actually a feature that will be released rather soon:

If you are feeling adventurous, feel free to patch safer-ffi with that branch and see how it fares.

The idea would be:

  1. [dependencies.safer-ffi] # or [patch.crates-io.safer-ffi]
    git = ""
    # branch = "dyn-traits-part-2"
    rev = "17e003eddd4088289d3bd93ab3d28c4c79090be6"  # HEAD of `dyn-traits-part-2` as we speak
  2. #[derive_ReprC(dyn)]
    pub trait SomeTrait {
        fn some_method(&self, input: c_slice::Ref<'_, u8>) -> repr_c::Vec<u8>; // repr_c::Result does not exist yet
        fn some_other_method(&mut self) -> repr_c::String;

You'll need the trait signatures to be made FFI-compatible by hand (matching safer-ffi's low-level current design, but the idea mid-term would be to have a kind of IntoFfi trait that would let us express that Vecs can be replaced by repr_c::Vecs, &[u8] with c_slice::Ref<'_, u8>, and so on); so you'll probably rather have to write this trait in an FFI-dedicated fashion:

pub trait FfiSomeTrait {
    fn ffi_some_method(&self, input: c_slice::Ref<'_, u8>) -> repr_c::Vec<u8>; // repr_c::Result does not exist yet
    fn ffi_some_other_method(&mut self) -> repr_c::String;

impl<T : SomeTrait> FfiSomeTrait for T {
    fn ffi_some_method(&self, input: c_slice::Ref<'_, u8>) -> repr_c::Vec<u8> {
    fn ffi_some_other_method(&mut self) -> repr_c::String {


From there, the key wrapper type provided by safer-ffi which makes all the magic just click is VirtualPtr (in the prelude): a VirtualPtr<dyn 'lt + FfiSomeTrait> (feel free to add Send + Sync either as super-traits or inside that dyn trait) is then a ReprC type whose layout is that of:

struct VirtualPtr<dyn 'lt /* + Send + Sync + */ + FfiSomeTrait> {
    ptr: *mut Erased,
    ffi_some_method: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const Erased, c_slice::Raw<u8>) -> repr_c::Vec_Layout<u8>,
    ffi_some_other_method: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mutErased) -> repr_c::String_Layout,
  • (another extension in the future would be to be able to customize the indirection of the vtable; for now an inlined vtable is just simpler across FFI).

And some convenience impls:

  • VirtualPtr<dyn ... + FfiSomeTrait> : ... + FfiSomeTrait 1
  • VirtualPtr<dyn ... + FfiSomeTrait> : From<Box<T>> where T : ... + FfiSomeTrait
    • (there are even From<&'lt mut T> impls for VirtualPtr<dyn 'lt + ...>)

You can see a VirtualPtr<dyn ...> as a Box<dyn ...>, except for the fact it even virtualizes the fact of being a Box: any pointer matching the requires API suits!

  • for instance, there is actually a

    impl<'lt, T : ... + FfiSomeTrait> From<&'lt mut T> for VirtualPtr<dyn 'lt + ... + FfiSomeTrait>

    since when within a 'lt lifetime, &'lt mut dyn is just as capable as Box<dyn 'lt +

    For more info, it turns out the language is currently considering adding, as a fully stand-alone abstraction, something that matches VirtualPtr conceptual design (but for the ffi considerations) quite closely: dyn *.

So, back to our example, we'd probably also want to write:

impl<'lt> SomeTrait for VirtualPtr<dyn 'lt + FfiSomeTrait> {
    fn some_method(&self, input: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
    fn some_other_method(&mut self) -> String {

See also, how the feature itself is being used to model Futures and Executor Handles (Spawn abstraction, technically) by safer-ffi itself:


  1. due to coherence reasons, this may be "duck-typed" rather than an official impl. โ†ฉ

Back to a high-level view of the project, I should have this properly merged in master / released to within a month or two, hopefully with a quite lengthy book / guide about these things (my previous post may be a bit too densely packed with info, and lacking some examples)

This is awesome, thanks @danielhenrymantilla . Question about VirtualPtr, is that the type I would actually use when I want to utilize the trait someplace? My example calling new on SomeStruct that requires T: SomeTrait would be like so?

pub fn some_struct_new(input: VirtualPtr<dyn '_ + FfiSomeTrait>) -> Box<SomeStruct> {

Yeah, that's the idea ๐Ÿ™‚

Using the branch, I defined the following trait but I can't seem to get the corresponding vtable definition in the generated C header:

pub trait ExampleTrait {
    fn method_ref(&self, s: &str, i: i32) -> String;
    fn method_mut(&mut self, s: &str, i: i32) -> String;

pub trait FfiExampleTrait {
    fn method_ref(&self, s: char_p::Ref<'_>, i: i32) -> repr_c::String;
    fn method_mut(&mut self, s: char_p::Ref<'_>, i: i32) -> repr_c::String;

I couldn't find any use of inventory for trait definitions in the proc-macro. Is generating vtables in the C header not implemented yet or am I missing something?

Thank you.

@stefunctional this may be because the FFI type that makes use of said vtable is VirtualPtr<dyn FfiExampleTrait + ...>; and safer-ffi is currently "lazy" w.r.t. what makes it to headers:

  1. functions always make it to the header / are "ffi-exported";
  2. then anything transitively referred to by something ffi-exported (e.g., FFI types in the signature of a function) are then themselves ffi-exported.

So try adding:

// any of the two types involved should trigger the vtable definitions
fn lets_see(
    _a: VirtualPtr<dyn 'static + Send + Sync + FfiExampleTrait>,
    _b: VirtualPtr<dyn '_ + FfiExampleTrait>,

That was it. Thank you very much for the quick answer!

Do you need help to get the dyn-traits-part-2 branch to a point where it can be merged? It seems to be working well in the little experiment we conducted and we would be happy to help move this forward.

Hey @stefunctional sorry for the late reply ๐Ÿ™‡ I appreciate the offer, truly, and may take you up on it for later ideas ๐Ÿ˜„ but in this case the remaining effort was mostly:

and both of these tasks were thus about dealing with my messy code, so I was the best suited for them.

I have been quite busy with other stuff this past month, hence this being a bit more delayed than anticipated, but now all this has been released as 0.1.0-rc1 to

I'm gonna close this since #155, in a way, finished fixing it, but we can keep discussing about dyn traits here or over the Discussions ๐Ÿ™‚

No worries. Thank you very much for your work on this. I just skimmed through the change log and I am excited to try out this new version.