
How does `safer_ffi` avoid aliasing rule problem?

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Hi thanks for the interesting package! I am curious, how does safer_ffi avoid aliasing rule problem? Since the function is not marked unsafe, I guess it means we should ensure it is memory safe and no undefined behavior etc.

For example, suppose we have the code in the Rustonomicon:

fn compute(input: &u32, output: &mut u32) {}

Will safer_ffi generate some kind of helpers to avoid aliasing?

Or, even simpler, it seems that we should avoid two mutable references to the same object:

fn compute(a: &mut u32, b: &mut u32) {}

let x: 42;
f(&mut x, &mut x); // forbidden

P.S. suppose the example below:

struct A { x: u32 }
fn f(input: &u32, output: &mut A) {}

I have not spent a lot of time checking whether aliasing rule requires input and output.x not to be the same object. i.e. Rust compiler forbids the following, but I am not sure whether it optimizes based on such assumption.

let a: A {x: 42};
f(&a.x, &mut a);

Good question! So, as is often the case with these things, there are two sides to the API of a function:

  • what callers are required to provide;
    • when called by Rust;
    • when called from beyond the FFI / a non-Rust language, e.g., C.
  • what the callees can assume from there.


Given &T or &mut T, the Rust compiler, when handling the callee code, will assume that the aliasing invariants of these Rust references are upheld. e.g., in LLVM parlance, this will probably translate into the following assumptions:

  • with &T, when T : Freeze: an (immutable) noalias assumption;
  • with &mut T: a (mutable) noalias assumption.

To illustrate:

fn foo(r: &u32, m: &mut u32) -> u32 {
    if *r == 42 {
        *m = 0;
    } else {

ought to have its fn body be able to be optimized down to:

if *r == 42 { *m = 0; }
  • (which it wouldn't be able to do if it had to be worried about *m = 0 affecting *r).


The previous point thus makes it UB for the caller to violate these invariants.

  • Luckily, when called from Rust (e.g, in unit-tests, or when your package is used as a Rust ["lib"] or ["rlib"]), the #[ffi_export]ed function will have the Rust signature you provided it, so these invariants will be enforced by the type system.

  • But when called from non-Rust, there is no way to enforce this, and it will be the caller's responsibility not to misuse the exported function. This, by the way, is similarly true for other invariants, such as Rust references being non-null and well-aligned. As a matter of fact, this observation is what prompted me to name this framework safer rather than safe, since lack of control of the code at the other side of the FFI boundary entails that the framework cannot claim to be fully safe.

Thank you for the reply!

But when called from non-Rust, there is no way to enforce this, and it will be the caller's responsibility not to misuse the exported function. This, by the way, is similarly true for other invariants, such as Rust references being non-null and well-aligned. As a matter of fact, this observation is what prompted me to name this framework safer rather than safe, since lack of control of the code at the other side of the FFI boundary entails that the framework cannot claim to be fully safe.

I see. Indeed, this is also a headache for me/us when developing (P.S. We finally introduced some runtime overhead (think as Arc/Mutex/Rc/RefCell etc) to let Rust do the borrow checking at runtime for really safe interface.)

Yeah, that's a very sensible thing to do. For instance, wasm-bindgen does this too, using it's own flavor of RefCell