
Python example?

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There is a test that generates a Python cffi. Is there an example of how to actually use this file?

Hi, I wrote the Python CFFI plugin for safer_ffi when I was working with @danielhenrymantilla.
You can find the package dittoffi on Pypi which uses the files generated by safer-ffi.
Notably, you should pay attention to the file, which includes most of the CFFI logic. Here is an excerpt :

from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()

# Mostly company internal logic to fetch the correct lib and read the headers 

async def prepare_compilation():
    with read_header_file("dittoffi.cffi") as content:

    with read_header_file("dittoffi.h") as content:
        ffi.set_source("_ffi", content,
            library_dirs = [await find_ditto_path()],
            libraries = ['dittoffi']

if __name__ == "__main__":

Finally, beware that the build instructions are splitted between the pyproject.toml and the file due to some CFFI shenanigans.