
GraphQL connection info not found

Opened this issue · 6 comments


I found the following problem. Am I miss something?
The Local (v5.9.8) is running at my side , but I've got this error message:

local-cli --help
Local CLI =========

@getflywheel/local-cli/0.0.5 win32-x64 node-v14.15.0

$ local-cli [COMMAND]
help display help for local-cli
list-sites list all Local sites
start-site start a Local site and all of its services
stop-site stop a Local site and all of its services

PS E:\Local...> local-cli list-sites
Error: GraphQL connection info not found. Please ensure that Local is running.

It currently looks like there is only support for macOS. I am not sure where Local saves the connection info on Windows. But what I can tell from get-connection-info.ts it uses the macOS path.

Using something like process.platform here to check the OS and use the corresponding path would probably solve the issue.

Looks like it also doesn't support WSL.

Same problem here with Linux (Ubuntu)

Just tried this myself on Pop! OS (also Linux) and get the same result.

It currently looks like there is only support for macOS. I am not sure where Local saves the connection info on Windows. But what I can tell from get-connection-info.ts it uses the macOS path.

This does appear to be the issue, upon a quick search of my Ubuntu/WSL drive I did find this same file in \wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\home\USERNAME.config\Local I'm not familiar with untildify so I need to read up on it to see if I can just change this file location and things will work or not.

Im running Nobara (Fedora based linux). Here the file was located in "home/%USERNAME%/.config/Local/". I just changed this myself to get it working!