
Plugin should work if Gauge is installed via npm on windows

nehashri opened this issue · 0 comments

Actual Behaviour
Gauge plugin doesn't work if Gauge is installed via npm (npm install @getgauge/cli -g).
The plugin throws two errors.

17:31	Unable to start Gauge Intellij plugin.
			Could not find executable in `PATH`. Please make sure Gauge is installed.
			If Gauge is installed then set the Gauge executable path in settings -> tools -> gauge.

17:31	Unsupported Gauge Version(null): This version of Gauge Intellij plugin only works with Gauge version >= 0.9.0

Expected Behaviour
Gauge IntelliJ plugin should work even if Gauge is installed via npm. The user should not set the Gauge binary path via the Gauge settings to get the IntelliJ plugin to work. It should find the gauge binary installed with npm(if the npm directory has been added to the PATH env).

If Gauge binary is not found, the plugin should not perform the version check.

Current workaround is to add the gauge.cmd binary to settings -> tools -> gauge.
Issue only occurs when Gauge is installed via npm on a windows machine