
Stacktrace should give the line number of the implementation file and line number details

sswaroopgupta opened this issue · 2 comments

Expected behavior
Stacktrace should give the line number of the implementation file and line number details

Actual behavior
The stacktrace does not contain the implementation file and line number details of failure

Steps to replicate

  • Open gauge-lsp-tests
  • Change the implementation of step
step('generate concept <name> in new file under <path> and verify', async function (name, relativePath) {
	var response = await _customLSP.generateNewConcept(name, relativePath);
	var conceptFile = _fileExtension.getUri(_customLSP.conceptFilePath(relativePath))
	_assert.equal(response.changes[conceptFile][0].newText, "");
  • Run scenario Should generate new Concept files from the IDE

The stacktrace does not contain the implementation file details

Failed Step: generate concept "name" in new file under "$specs" and verify
        Specification: c:\work\gauge\FT\gauge-lsp-tests\specifications\generateStubs\generateStubs.spec:18
        Error Message: AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: '# name\n* ' == ''
        AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: '# name\n* ' == ''


Gauge version: 1.0.4.nightly-2019-01-08
Commit Hash: 408b09f

html-report (4.0.7.nightly-2018-12-10)
js (2.3.4.nightly-2018-12-20)

VSCode - gauge-0.0.8.nightly-2019-01-07

This issue is not replicable anymore. Following is a stack trace which I get

Failed Step: generate concept "name" in new file under "$specs" and verify
        Specification: /Users/vinaysh/go/src/
        Error Message: AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: '# name\n* ' == 'Should generate new Concept files'
        AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: '# name\n* ' == 'Should generate new Concept files'
            at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/vinaysh/go/src/

Closing it for now. Please feel free to reopen this issue if still occurs. Provide a sample project where it can be replicated.