
Themes do not work except Quark

adrianzhang opened this issue · 5 comments

I am new to Grav, set it up and running with docker image, by following instructions in Readme.

docker run -d -p 8000:80 --restart always -v grav_data:/var/www/html grav:latest

Once I add a theme and activate new theme, it showing lots of code on the site page like below, how can I fix the problem? Thanks.

截屏2021-07-20 上午10 05 32

Tried quark theme?

Tried quark theme?

Quark is perfect.

Then not a docker issue. Probably either the theme has an issue or the theme you installed doesn’t have the template your page is using. Themes in grav can provide their own set of templates, and that means your page has to use threat template. uses templates/default.html.twig uses templates/blog.html.twig


Then not a docker issue. Probably either the theme has an issue or the theme you installed doesn’t have the template your page is using. Themes in grav can provide their own set of templates, and that means your page has to use threat template. uses templates/default.html.twig uses templates/blog.html.twig


Ok I will check the doc for detailed operation. Thank you very much.