
wrong pagination

abooks23 opened this issue · 1 comments

pagination error
my header

title: Home
body_classes: 'title-center title-h1h2'
        - '@self.children'
    limit: 16
        by: date
        dir: desc
    pagination: true
    url_taxonomy_filters: true

I use

{% set articlespubl = taxonomy.findTaxonomy({'tag':'publ'}) %}
                {% for post in articlespubl.order('date','desc') %}
                      {% include 'partials/blog-list-item-post.html.twig' with {blog: page, page: child} %}
                {% endfor %}

and recive 11 post in page, and 1-2 pagination with two identical page (1,2)

Maybe you should give us more info ?
How many items you have in real (the children pages) ? Because you may have 11 children only, and your limit field is set to 16 ! So all the 11 items just show, because they are authorized to !

Then, we don't see your pagination template call. Probably because it is hidden in the 'partials/blog-list-item-post.html.twig' you include, right ?