
Possible to exclude specific scripts?

JordanMagnuson opened this issue · 3 comments

Is it possible to exclude specific scripts from being processed by LabJS?

For example, when using Cloudflare's Rocket Loader (which similarly loads all js on a page asynchronously), it is possible to exclude a specific script by addingd "data-cfasync='false'" to the script tag, like so:

<script data-cfasync='false' src=...>

The script is then left alone by Rocket Loader, and loaded in the usual way... is it possible to accomplish something similar with LabJS?

LABjs doesn't load anything that you don't explicitly pass to a script(..) call on the API. So I'm confused as to what need LABjs would need to ignore? Just don't pass it something you don't want it to load.

Sorry, getify, I'm using the Drupal LabJS module, which grabs all the js on the page... I thought the issue was with LabJS itself, but I see it's the module that's responsible for this behavior. Apologies for my hasty post.

Cheers! :)