
Usage guide

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First of all, amazing work, glad to have come across this library.

Had a question regarding the usage, it mentions a structure to follow, where the manifest.json file of DBT is generated. By default DBT generates this inside <root dbt dir>/target/ directory.

Am I right in thinking that the structure outlined needs to sit inside <root dbt dir>/target/? So like the below:

<root dbt dir>
├── target
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── airflow.yml
│   │   ├── dbt.yml
│   │   └── k8s.yml
│   └── dev
│       └── dbt.yml
│   ├── manifest.json
│   └──

Would we also need to put the entire DBT directory inside the Airflow DAGs directory? Unless we're saying we can change where the DBT manifest.json file is generated? If so, how do we do that?