
Possible bug with the newest node version, time calculated wrongly

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments

olpeh commented

What happens

Working from 08:00 to 16:58 results in 0 Hours and -23 Minutes

Expected behavior

Working from 08:00 to 16:58 should result in 8 Hours and 28 Minutes

Moro has been working fine before upgrading to the newest node.

โžœ  date
ti 6.3.2018 16.58.31 +0200
โžœ moro hi 08:00

 ๐Ÿ’™  Moro \o/

โœ” You clocked in at: 08:00

โฐ Working until 16:00 will make it a full (7.5 hours) day

_ %                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    โžœ  moro         

 ๐Ÿ’™  Moro \o/

โ„น Today looks like this so far:

โ”‚ Today you worked โ”‚ 0 Hours and -23 Minutes โ”‚
โ”‚ Clock in         โ”‚ 08:00                   โ”‚
โ”‚ Clock out        โ”‚ 08:07                   โ”‚
โ”‚ Break duration   โ”‚ 30 minutes              โ”‚
โ”‚ Date             โ”‚ 2018-03-06              โ”‚
โ„น Run moro --help to learn how to edit your clock in, clock out or break duration for today

Version information โžœ npm --version 5.6.0

โžœ moro --version

๐Ÿ’™ Moro \o/

_ 3.3.1
โžœ node --version

โžœ lsb_release -d
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS

Thanks for the perfect bug report @olpeh

I still can't reproduce it even though I used the same node version.

Can you run the tests and see which one breaks?

npm test

Should run everything.

olpeh commented

I'm also unable to reproduce it anymore. And after that occurence moro has been working without any issues.
However, some of the tests fail, not sure if related.

Ran the tests: 9 tests, 4 failures

Test output ``` โžœ moro git:(master) โœ— nvm current v9.7.1 โžœ moro git:(master) โœ— npm i -g npm /home/olha/.nvm/versions/node/v9.7.1/bin/npm -> /home/olha/.nvm/versions/node/v9.7.1/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js /home/olha/.nvm/versions/node/v9.7.1/bin/npx -> /home/olha/.nvm/versions/node/v9.7.1/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npx-cli.js + npm@5.7.1 added 63 packages, removed 6 packages and updated 49 packages in 11.658s โžœ moro git:(master) โœ— npm test

moro@3.3.1 test /home/olha/projects/moro
cross-env MORO_TEST_MODE='true' ava && bats tests/end-to-end/moro.tests.bats

TAP version 13

test โ€บ singleDayReport runs without crashing

ok 1 - test โ€บ singleDayReport runs without crashing
Report of all the days:

โ”‚ Date โ”‚ Work Hours โ”‚
โ”‚ 2017-03-10 โ”‚ 7 Hours and 55 Minutes โ”‚
โ”‚ Sum in week 10 โ”‚ 7 Hours and 55 Minutes โ”‚

test โ€บ printAllDaysReport runs without crashing

ok 2 - test โ€บ printAllDaysReport runs without crashing
Report of all the days:

โ”‚ Date โ”‚ Work Hours โ”‚
โ”‚ 2017-03-09 โ”‚ 7 Hours and 55 Minutes โ”‚
โ”‚ 2017-03-10 โ”‚ 7 Hours and 55 Minutes โ”‚
โ”‚ Sum in week 10 โ”‚ 15 Hours and 50 Minutes โ”‚
โ”‚ 2017-03-14 โ”‚ 8 Hours and 0 Minutes โ”‚
โ”‚ 2017-03-15 โ”‚ 8 Hours and 0 Minutes โ”‚
โ”‚ Sum in week 11 โ”‚ 16 Hours and 0 Minutes โ”‚

test โ€บ printAllDaysReport with week change runs without crashing

ok 3 - test โ€บ printAllDaysReport with week change runs without crashing
There are 3 search results:

โ”‚ Date โ”‚ Time โ”‚ Note โ”‚
โ”‚ 2017-08-04 โ”‚ 17:00 โ”‚ #Workrelated โ”‚
โ”‚ 2017-08-04 โ”‚ 17:30 โ”‚ #Workrelated โ”‚
โ”‚ 2017-08-04 โ”‚ 18:00 โ”‚ Other project #related โ”‚

test โ€บ printSearchResults runs without crashing

ok 4 - test โ€บ printSearchResults runs without crashing

db-tests โ€บ db file is created properly

ok 5 - db-tests โ€บ db file is created properly
Database file deleted successfully

db-tests โ€บ removeDatabase removes db file

ok 6 - db-tests โ€บ removeDatabase removes db file
Report of all the days:

โ”‚ Date โ”‚ Work Hours โ”‚
โ”‚ 2017-03-11 โ”‚ 7 Hours and 55 Minutes โ”‚
โ”‚ Sum in week 10 โ”‚ 7 Hours and 55 Minutes โ”‚

db-tests โ€บ getFullReport outputs ok results

ok 7 - db-tests โ€บ getFullReport outputs ok results

db-tests โ€บ createTable makes tables alright

ok 8 - db-tests โ€บ createTable makes tables alright

db-tests โ€บ updateDatabase inserts and reads correctly

ok 9 - db-tests โ€บ updateDatabase inserts and reads correctly

db-tests โ€บ calculateWorkHours works

ok 10 - db-tests โ€บ calculateWorkHours works
There are 1 search result:

โ”‚ Date โ”‚ Time โ”‚ Note โ”‚
โ”‚ 2017-08-04 โ”‚ 17:00 โ”‚ #Workrelated โ”‚

db-tests โ€บ getSearchTerm returns the desired note

ok 11 - db-tests โ€บ getSearchTerm returns the desired note


tests 11

pass 11

fail 0

โœ“ Check that moro report works
โœ“ moro clear --yes works
โœ— moro with no argument, first time should register clock in, and calculate clock out accordingly
(from function assert_success' in file tests/end-to-end/../../node_modules/bats-assert/all.bash, line 25, in test file tests/end-to-end/moro.tests.bats, line 21) assert_success' failed
command failed with exit status 127
output: /home/olha/projects/moro/node_modules/bats/libexec/bats-exec-test: line 58: faketime: command not found
โœ— moro with no argument, second time should register clock out
(from function assert_success' in file tests/end-to-end/../../node_modules/bats-assert/all.bash, line 25, in test file tests/end-to-end/moro.tests.bats, line 29) assert_success' failed
command failed with exit status 127
output: /home/olha/projects/moro/node_modules/bats/libexec/bats-exec-test: line 58: faketime: command not found
โœ“ moro hi 09:00 should adjust clock in at 09:00
โœ“ moro bye 17:00 should adjust clock out at 17:00
โœ“ moro break 45 should set break to 45 minutes
โœ— moro note should save a note with correct time
(from function assert_success' in file tests/end-to-end/../../node_modules/bats-assert/all.bash, line 25, in test file tests/end-to-end/moro.tests.bats, line 57) assert_success' failed
command failed with exit status 127
output: /home/olha/projects/moro/node_modules/bats/libexec/bats-exec-test: line 58: faketime: command not found
โœ— moro search should find the note
(from function assert_contains' in file tests/end-to-end/../../node_modules/bats-assert/all.bash, line 63, from function assert_output_contains' in file tests/end-to-end/../../node_modules/bats-assert/all.bash, line 98,
in test file tests/end-to-end/moro.tests.bats, line 65)
`assert_output_contains 'There are 1 search result:'' failed
๐Ÿ’™ Moro \o/
to contain: There are 1 search result:

9 tests, 4 failures
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
โžœ moro git:(master) โœ— npm --version
โžœ moro git:(master) โœ— node --version

Yes. Node 10 breaks moro, there's a branch with node 10 where tests fail. I'll check when I can.

Moro is ready for node 10 as in #182