
MacOS Installation Troubles

fuzzyweapon opened this issue · 2 comments

Mac could use some love. I first tried installing with npm and got an error (2019-12-09T09_13_36_632Z-debug.log).

And then when following directions for grabbing the binaries instead?

I feel like I must be missing something critical for the latter? Did I overlook some buried documentation?

I didn't enter these as two separate issues because frankly, I don't think that the responsibility of the first issue lies with moro and the latter seems more like user error.

Hi @fuzzyweapon sorry to hear about your problems.

This should be fixed properly, but as a work around seems like if you create a file in your home directory and name it .moro-config.json and copy these defaults into it, the binary should work for you.


Moro 5 was published today and I tested it on macos + node 12. This issue should be fixed.