[feature] Search notes?
ConanChou opened this issue · 4 comments
I really like this utility. I'm not only using it to log my working hours, I am also using it to log work events with hashtags. It would be great if moro can provide text search. Thanks :)
Glad you like it @ConanChou
Good idea. We will implement it when I or someone else finds some time.
Meanwhile you might do something like this to search in notes:
moro report --all | grep YourSearchTermHere
Just from the top of my mind:
CLI Switch
moro search <search_term>
Should be simple enough. We must only make sure to sanitize the user input.
SELECT date,createdat,note FROM notes WHERE note LIKE "%<search_term>%";
This returns the date, the time and the text for the note with a case-insensitive search. Of course the actual syntax must be checked and the node-library has a syntax but you get the general idea.
│ Date │ Time │ Note │
│ 2017-07-31 │ 10:10 │ Customer :: Task |
Or something of the like.
Again this is just a quick thought. It depends a little on the use case and how the notes are structured. But this is the way I naively would implement this.
Yeah seems like a plan. Thanks @fleischie
Thanks to @fleischie now Moro 3.0.1 is published and it has the search feature.
Hopefully it works the way you expected it @ConanChou