
any plans to build for 5.2?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

i tried to run it.
G:\unreal\UE_5.2\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildPlugin

it builds socket.ioclient fine on its own but the unreal js errors with this i dont know how to procede from here

Unable to find plugin 'SocketIOClient' (referenced via command line -> NodeJs.uplugin). Install it and try again, or remove it from the required plugin list.

thanks in advance

I will try build blui later tonight.

I usually hit the latest production engine with most of my plugins within a month or so of release, if you need it sooner you'll need to check the compile errors yourself; as you've started doing already.

5.2 release made here: it still has #41 issue sometimes. May require starting the script twice to resolve.

wow brilliant thanks. i will try it out in 5.2 and 5.3 somepoint soon. hopefully i find the project i used it in.