
I need to get sender IP

Opened this issue · 9 comments

I want to response from dedicated server to client, but I don't know about client information.
so I send something to server then, I want to send to client.
do you know some method?please tell me...
I thought Client of "On Client Connected(TCPServer)" is Client IP Address, but it was my server IP Address;;;
sry with my but English. from Japan

Note to self: seems like is the incorrect address, need to see if the ListenSocket has a different address which is the client one that connects.

sry, What should I do?I need to get client IP in 4.21 dedicated server.
I don't know about C++

I'll make a new release today which should hopefully have a fix

addressed in d200760 released as, grab release to test

Thank You! Can it use on 4.21?

if you convert your blueprint only project to a mixed project (see then you can recompile it for 4.21

Thank you I did it!
but, I can success only "", when do I connect from other IP, it will fail.
I think "Start Listen Server" node is not working. because when I connect to other IP and PC to Server, it will timeout.
Do you know some solution?

check that the host is reachable: you may need to open your firewall and forward ports

Thank you!