Matching nodes bug
getodk-bot opened this issue · 0 comments
getodk-bot commented
Issue by mitchellsundt
Thursday Jul 09, 2015 at 19:03 GMT
Originally opened as getodk/getodk#692 (0 comment(s))
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 691
If you have instance like so..
<data id="no_matching_modes">
And some binds like so...
<bind nodeset="/cluster/Date" required="true()" type="date"/>
<bind nodeset="/cluster/Interviewer" required="true()" type="string"/>
<bind nodeset="/cluster/District" required="true()" type="string"/>
Currently, Validate (or Collect) do not throw up any errors. It is only at runtime
that you know something is wrong -- Collect crashes.
See the problem? There is no /cluster in the instance, only /data. The binds are referring
to nodes that don't exist. I believe earlier versions of Validate caught this matching
nodes problem.
Reported by
on 2012-09-26 17:07:31
- _Attachment: [Matching nodes bug.xml]( nodes bug.xml)_