
SSH Error when exposing a service

patrickleet opened this issue · 3 comments

Trying to use Localizer with Kind for a local development cluster.

Create the tunnels and /etc/hosts works fine, but exposing a service into the cluster results in a crashloop and an error about ssh

INFO[0105] created pod localizer-company-model-bln97     component=exposer service=default/company-model
INFO[0105] waiting for remote pod to be ready ...        component=exposer service=default/company-model
INFO[0109] recreating port-forward due to: endpoint became available  service=default/company-model
INFO[0109] creating tunnel                               endpoint=default/localizer-company-model-bln97 service=default/company-model
DEBU[0111] waiting for transport to be marked as ready   component=exposer service=default/company-model
DEBU[0111] an error occurred forwarding 63422 -> 2222: error forwarding port 2222 to pod 62d2ff65f4e8a78a0a78fdfeb9b71d149058a80de68b01ec34afbc8947cb1570, uid : failed to execute portforward in network namespace "/var/run/netns/cni-25289855-613d-f49e-f3cb-d9c71b4cabb1": failed to connect to localhost:2222 inside namespace "62d2ff65f4e8a78a0a78fdfeb9b71d149058a80de68b01ec34afbc8947cb1570", IPv4: dial tcp4 connect: connection refused IPv6 dial tcp6 [::1]:2222: connect: connection refused   error="<nil>" logger=klog
DEBU[0111] transport died                                component=exposer error="ssh: handshake failed: EOF" service=default/company-model
DEBU[0111] error closing listener: close tcp4 use of closed network connection  error="<nil>" logger=klog
ERRO[0111] connection died, recreating tunnel connection  component=exposer error="ssh: handshake failed: EOF" service=default/company-model
DEBU[0116] cleaning up pod                               component=exposer service=default/company-model

It then restarts and does the same thing, etc.

Any tips for getting this working?

Hmmmm, I'm not super sure why you are hitting this at the moment. Do you have a base example of this that I could use to try to repro? Thanks!

Not at the moment, but I'll try to create one

From what I can tell, this happens when the linuxserver/openssh-server image is out-of-date. Try removing that from your node's cache. It should fix it! Let me know if that doesn't.