
themes/minimalX is not working anymore

antmoev opened this issue · 5 comments

When cloning, my username and pw are asked

Cloning into '/.../themes/minimalX'...
Username for '': 
Password for '': 

Then if you try to follow the link provided in the repo, (here) it is a 404 error.

Confirmed here.

Would it be acceptable to submit a PR that just nuked this theme? It's kind of disruptive to not be able to DL the entire repo because of this.

Given that the original repo seems to be vanished, I am OK with removing the submodule from here.

I removed the minimalX theme via a3354d2. Would someone please confirm that has resolved this issue?

This resolved the issue, but the minimalX directory is still present, just empty. (This was in a fresh clone of the repo.) Would it be more correct to remove the directory as well?

Thanks very much for fixing this!

Okay, I think I actually removed it this time. 😅 Let me know if that's not the case.